Articles for category: Tools

The Qijco team

Bosch pex 4000ae sander: our opinion

The Bosch PEX 4000 AE is a powerful and versatile eccentric sander that will meet the needs of DIY enthusiasts and professionals alike. Equipped with a 350 W motor, it offers optimum performance for sanding large flat or curved surfaces, as well as for finishing work. Features ...

The Qijco team

Single-axle or double-axle trailer? Which to choose?

Looking for a new or used trailer? We know that choosing the right trailer can sometimes be difficult, especially if you're new to the business. There are so many different types of trailer, and they all have different uses. So which trailer can meet all your needs? Today we take a look at ...

The Qijco team

Sabre saw or jigsaw: which to choose?

Are you hesitating between a sabre saw and a jigsaw for your DIY projects? Each has its own specific advantages. The jigsaw is renowned for its versatility and high precision, while the sabre saw is perfect for larger cuts. Whatever your task, whether it's ...

The Qijco team

Top 5 most hired gardening tools in Belgium

In Europe, 53% of people live in a house. But in Belgium, according to a Eurostat study published in 2022 (1), this proportion has risen to 77%, making it the third country in the European Union with the highest proportion of single-family homes, behind its neighbours the Netherlands and Ireland. Many Belgians own their own home ...
