With a market estimated to be worth around €4.5 billion in 2019 and growing steadily, the DIY sector in Belgium is booming. As a result, more and more people are looking for cost-effective solutions such as DIY or gardening equipment hire.
Shampooers, plant shredders and scarifiers are generally machines that are used occasionally, but which take a serious toll on the budget when it comes to buying them.
For homeowners who have decided to invest in this type of equipment, renting it out represents a very interesting potential source of income, and helps to limit over-consumption.
But can a private individual hire out his equipment to other private individuals in Belgium?
The legality of DIY equipment hire in Belgium
Equipment hire in general, and DIY and gardening equipment in particular, is gaining increasing popularity thanks to the ecological and economic concept it represents. Many private individuals in Belgium are taking the plunge, but it's important to remember that hiring out DIY equipment to private individuals in Belgium is governed by specific regulations to guarantee safety and compliance.
What is the legal framework for hiring equipment to private individuals?
Equipment rental is governed by the Code of Economic Law, Book IX, which imposes obligations on rental companies to ensure the safety of products and services. In particular, the Royal Decree of 4 March 2002 lays down specific requirements for product hire.
The equipment or machines hired are often of a dangerous nature, so the lessor has a real obligation not to compromise on safety.
Specific regulations and legal obligations for rental companies
The obligations that interest you as a private hirer of tools of all kinds, but especially gardening and DIY tools, include :
- The user manual : Hirers must provide a detailed user manual for each product hired. In most cases, this is the manual supplied when the tool was purchased.
- Safety : Hirers must inform consumers of the necessary safety measures, both verbally and in writing. When you hand over the equipment, tell your hirer about the safety measures that are ideally already included in your advert.
- Personal protective equipment :Hirers must provide information on the protective equipment recommended or required by the user manual.
Why hire DIY equipment?
Benefits for individuals
- Savings Hire: Hiring equipment helps you avoid spending a lot of money on tools that are only used occasionally. For example, a professional drill costs between €200 and €500, while hire can cost around €10 to €20 a day. If you only need the equipment for a one-off job lasting a few days, hiring is a very cost-effective option.
- Flexibility Leasing offers access to a wide range of specific tools for one-off projects, without having to commit to permanent purchases. This is particularly advantageous for large or specialist tools.
- Equipment hire between private individuals helps to reduce the production and purchase of new tools, thus limiting the consumption of natural resources and the production of waste. This is part of a responsible consumption and sustainable development approach, reducing the ecological footprint of every DIY project.
Benefits for private hirers
- Making equipment profitable Hire: Individuals can generate extra income by hiring out their tools when they are not in use. For example, a tool bought for €300 can pay for itself in just a few months if it is hired out regularly.
- Expanding its network: Renting tools allows you to meet other DIY enthusiasts and build relationships within the local community. It can also be the basis for developing a network of contacts with similar DIY interests.
How do I set up a DIY and gardening tool hire service on Qijco?
If you are an individual looking to hire DIY/gardening equipment from Qijco, here are the steps to follow:
Steps for individuals wishing to hire equipment
- Registration and legal compliance Make sure your rental business complies with local regulations. This includes registering with local authorities if necessary.
- Insurance and liability : Take out civil liability insurance to cover any damage or incidents related to the use of your equipment by third parties.
- Setting rental rates and conditions : Establish competitive rates and clear rental conditions. Set prices based on value and demand for your tools.
Platforms and tools to facilitate rental
- Use of dedicated websites and applications: Qijco is an ideal platform for publishing your rental ads. It offers a user-friendly interface and high visibility.
- Partnerships with existing platforms: Collaborate with other local platforms or services to increase the visibility of your ads and attract more potential tenants.
What are the best practices for DIY/gardening equipment hire companies?
To ensure the success of your DIY equipment hire service on Qijco, certain practices are essential.
Firstly, theregular maintenance of your tools is essential. This ensures that they work properly and last a long time. It also gives you a good reputation and increases your chances of being hired out to other customers.
In terms of customer relations, providing useful and practical advice on how to use the tools is also good practice. Whether through detailed instructions, explanatory videos or specific recommendations, good support improves the user experience. Solicit feedback after each rental to improve your services and offer discounts or special offers to encourage future rentals.
Finally, to attract and retain customers, use effective promotional strategies. Publish regular attractive ads on Qijcowith detailed descriptions and quality photos. Use social networks and word of mouth to promote your service. Offer loyalty schemes or discounts for regular customers to keep them interested.$
The need for a rental contract
To formalise the hire, drawing up a hire contract is a key step. This document must specify the terms and conditions of the hire, the responsibilities of the parties, the terms of payment, and the procedures in the event of damage to or loss of the equipment. A clear, detailed contract protects both the lessor and the lessee, and guarantees a relationship of trust while minimising the risk of disputes.
Hiring out DIY equipment in Belgium is therefore perfectly legal, as long as you comply with local regulations, particularly in terms of safety and liability. As an individual, you can take advantage of this opportunity to make your tools profitable and provide a valuable service to the community. By setting up a rental service via platforms such as QijcoYou can benefit from cost savings, flexibility and network expansion. With continued growth and prospects for innovation, this sector offers many opportunities for years to come.
References :
- https://www.businesscoot.com/fr/etude/le-marche-du-bricolage-belgique
- https://economie.fgov.be/fr/themes/qualite-securite/securite-des-produits-et/reglementations-specifiques/machines-et-produits-en/securite-de-la-location-des
- https://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/cgi_loi/change_lg.pl?language=fr&la=F&cn=2013042510&table_name=loi